Past, Present & Future of Kidney Replacement Therapy: It started in Kampen
Date: June 24th, 2025
Location: Kampen, the Netherlands
09:30Welcome: Derk Meulman, chairman Willem Kolff Foundation
09:35Opening remarks: Tom Oostrom, Director Dutch Kidney Foundation
09:40It happened in 1945: The first patient who survived acute renal failure by hemodialysis - Joop Offerman (MD, PhD)
10:00Presentations by 4 patient associations from Poland, United Kingdom, Canada and USA
10:20The first hemodialysis in the USA: 1947 and beyond - Prof. Jonathan Himmelfarb (MD, PhD)
10:45Invention of the shunt: The permanent vascular access enabling chronic hemodialysis - Prof. Buddy Ratner (PhD)
11:10Coffee break
11:55Miniaturization by dialysate regeneration - Christian Blüchel (PhD)
12:20Newly developed portable machines for hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis - Prof. Karin Gerritsen (MD, PhD)
12:40Vascular access: Present and future - Prof. Joris Rotmans (PhD)
13:00Present state of hemodialysis and bridge to future developments - Fokko Wieringa (PhD)
14:30Via portable & wearable hemodialysis towards implantable solutions - Prof. Shuvo Roy (PhD)
14:55NXTGEN Hightech & KIDNEW projects, working towards implantable hemodialysis - Fokko Wieringa (PhD)
15:15Transatlantic or even world-wide coopetition for an implantable artificial kidney - Murray Sheldon (MD)
15:40Applying the lessons from Kolff and Scribner to create a better future - Prof. Steve Ash (MD)
16:00Tea break
16:35Hand-out of the Willem Kolff prize
17:10Closing remarks: Tom Oostrom
17:15Drinks and possibility to visit the preserved office of Dr. Kolff
18:00For ESAO attendees: The bus back to Enschede leaves